Friends of Floodplain

Why Floodplains Are Important

GPT-4 Puts it this way:

Floodplains play a crucial role in the natural and built environments. Preserving them within communities offers numerous ecological, economic, social, and safety benefits.

Incorporating floodplain preservation into community planning and development can ensure the long-term sustainability of both natural and human systems. Many communities have come to recognize the multifaceted benefits of floodplains and are making concerted efforts to protect and restore these critical landscapes.

In Scappoose, Oregon about 35% of the city is in FEMA designated floodplain.

The graphics below were created to help dissuade the Scappoose City Council from approving a floodplain housing development. Sadly, the council approved the proposed high-density housing development anyway. Fortunately, the Oregon Appeals Court ruled on February 14, 2024 to remand our citizens’ appeal back to the Land Use Board of Appeals, which mandated a new hearing back to the City of Scappoose for a second look at this errant development effort. The citizens opposing this crazy development have spent nearly $70,000 in legal costs to date and are out of resources. A new public hearing will once again pit a major nationwide developer and a city staff endorsing this floodplain development against the Friends of Floodplain (FOF). If you are able to assist with legal costs, please contribute what you are able at <>. A successful stop to this floodplain development in Scappoose will convey an important message to the benefit of community floodplains everywhere.

A Friend of Floodplain

Scappoose FEMA Flood Zones from PSU GIS (Marty Marquis) Workshop Materials Offered Through Scappoose Library

The City Approved “Buxton Farms” Floodplain Development Proposes Substantially Smaller Lots Compared to Adjacent Residential Properties

The 17,352 Acre South Scappoose Creek Watershed Flows To and Through The Proposed Development Area Noted In The Graphics Herein. Common Sense Infers The Folly of Building Homes In Such a Location.

Scappoose is Among Many Willamette Valley, Oregon Communities with Flood Risk. However, it is arguably unique due to its proximity to the Columbia River, the Chinookan heritage, and connection to the Crown Zellerbach Trail, currently under consideration as part of a new National Park.

South Scappoose Creek also provides important Salmonid habitat undergoing restoration, which will be adversely impacted by this floodplain development. Please check out the bigger picture at:

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